Er - Erbium
Atomic Number: 68 Period Number: 6 Group Number: none
Erbium is a chemical element in the lanthanide series and it is a rare earth element. It is bright, soft metal and has six stable isotopes: 162Er, 164Er, 166Er, 167Er, 168Er and 170Er. There is no free Erbium in nature because it is so active and it is always found minerals, such as monazite, bastnasite, xenotime and euxenite. Complex ion-exchange process is used to get pure Erbium from xenotime and euxenite.
Erbium is mainly used in nuclear industrial, making photographic filter. Erbium oxide is pink, so it is used for the color on glass.
Physical and Chemical properties:
Atomic Weight: 167.259
Melting Point: 1802 K
Boiling Point: 3141 K
Density: 9.07 g/cm3
Phase at Room Temperature: Solid
Ionization Energy: 6.108 eV
Oxidation State: +3